Let’s get outta here…
Day 8
Ain’t life great? Photos from walks around the world today.
Bur first… I celebrated my partners birthday today so he gets top spot. 💛
He’s documenting some of his restoration projects so I snapped a few photos of him soldering. Somehow he knows what to do with all of that… 😲
Now let’s head outside…
It was a warm, bright day in PA. After my morning walk I set my sunglasses on my desk and noticed the reflection.
The afternoon brought a passing storm, leaving us with a beautiful rainbow.
If you squint you might see it 🌈
Veronica, former roomie, current friend, and brilliant photographer sent a photo from our old hood.
Tim’s photos, from his daily walks visiting Indy or around NYC, always give me pause and make the world feel a little more connected 🥰
Lina’s family took to the forest yesterday in Lithuania 🌲
I can only hope these bring you as much joy as they bring me, so keep em comin ya’ll!
New to the Give & Take (a photo) challenge? Here are the parameters:
- You don’t need fancy equipment, you only need an imagination (and a device that takes a picture).
- You don’t need to edit your photo (or do, if that’s you jam and it brings you joy).
- Your photo can be staged or random.
- It must be something that inspired you, intrigued you, caught your eye, and made you feel something.
- It must be from that day, but…
- You do not need to share every day, just when you feel the desire or inspired.
- You may request your picture is shared anonymously or you may request I link to your website or share part of your bio or a caption you wrote.
- You may ask questions and pay others compliments. If you see a connection you want to make, let me know and I’ll do my best to help you network!
Send me the photo (and a caption or website if you wish) in a dm on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn… or you can text or email it to me if you have my contact information. I’ll add it to that day’s post.
Thanks for letting us see the world through your eyes…