May the force…
Day whatever
As one day slipped into the next, here we are, a week since I last posted. I allowed other obligations or desires to take precedent over posting for the Give & Take (a photo) challenge.
As your photos digitally piled up, so did my guilt. Then came the apathy… meh. Then the realization that, hey Ang… maybe stop forcing the issue.
I’m working on a lot of projects, always… plus allowing time for school, my job, #adulting, looking up #adulting to see if people even use that anymore, running, yoga, meditating, writing, and somehow staying connected with friends, family, and not being a neglectful partner. Then spending time researching and setting up a digital “bullet journal” to make time for all of these things and as I “rapid logged” my stuff realizing that repotting my plants should have happened a month ago, lord knows when I last vacuumed my office, and I wonder when I’ll get through that stack of books on my table…
(My thoughts on time, finding vs making vs allowing… are for another day.)
You get the gist.
This isn’t an excuse, an attempt to make you think I’m, like, super busy and therefore important so please don’t judge me for not following my own made up rules about this random project… (ok, maybe it is a wee bit) *ego retreats*
What this week showed me was how much I force… a lot of things. I try to cram a lot in to my days, pull creative thoughts out of my head, push through a workout.
I do a lot but what I often fail to do is give myself permission to not do something. There’s a time and place for hustle, drive, focus, and creating. Most of my life has been spent achieving and driving toward the next thing and the next goal and the next accomplishment.
And this halt in my project is the prime example of when life forces something right back in the face of my exertion. Life and overload dictated my priorities.
Yes, I’m working on that (note bullet journaling reference above). More importantly this week showed me that it’s ok to not do something. If something isn’t fulfilling or bringing joy, is it worth doing? Sometimes. #adulting (apparently it’s still kind of a thing). In reality, the thing probably just needs to shift and take a slightly different form.
I’m allowing circumstances, projects, events, life to unfold as they’re meant to evolve. And maybe I need to give myself permission to let things go more often.
So… here’s a compilation of photos from the Give & Take (a photo whenever you feel like it) daily weekly challenge.
From Tim — an old NYC friend camped out in Indy for a bit — he delights me daily with his photos and captions. Grateful for his daily inspiration and moments of respite.
My favorite from this week — for its simplicity, framing, and sentiment
Springtime pics of flowers will never get old… photos of life bursting forth, spitting pollen in my face.
And these pics of Tim’s workspace are lovely yet anxiety inducing, reminding me of my personal plant neglect.
I also got a few photos that were taken awhile ago… bringing back sweet memories and conjuring up complicated emotions this week.
From Kel: “I miss the city.” (Me too Kel, me too)
“I worry about my boys. But I love this pic I took in January and I cannot wait to rush back when things ease to help the city heal. Again. ❤️”
And we have a Bobcat sighting!!
From Rosanne: “pure love and joy!” with Bobcat and Fletcher, anticipating days when we can play together again.
I caught a few (moments) as well this week…
School work and job work kicked me in the butt come Monday — turns out a glass of wine does not help with productivity. But it tastes good and made for a delightful moment in the sun. Turns out a messy desk is also crap for focus. But I’m pretty good at hitting the reset button so my desk has been cleared and cleaned… just in time for the weekend.
And what is a week without photos from my Michigan peeps? Still one of my favorite places on the planet.
From Christy: “Days like this make staying home seem like the best idea in the world!”
And from my dad… always taking some of my favorite photos of my favorite lake.